Monday, February 6, 2012


What is our belief, we are people and we ought to have a belief. We need to believe in something.
In my family we believed in many things, we believed in hard work and my father set the example when he will return from work around 9pm and after eating and taking his bath. He still had time to go over the work that
he'd brought home.
My family believed in commitment, and my mother showed it, when after she had finished preparing dinner, will wait late, sometimes to about 10pm. She wanted to eat with her husband.
Everything that went on in my family everyday thought me something about life, my father waking up early and preparing for work. My mother making sure the family had what to eat, no matter the money my Dad put on the
All these little things thought me things, I dont even know. The actions that my parents portrayed thought me more than the things they told me was right or wrong.
I learned right from wrong, by looking at the actions of my parents and the people who were around me.
What is our belief as a people. What does this nation believe in, does this nation teach its members anything. Can the nation teach its memebers anything at all? Are we a nation, or a group, identified by the family we come
from, identified by our social status . A group of people identified by our training, by the school we went to, the career we have or the position we hold in society.
Who are we as a people? What is our belief. What is the common belief we have in this country.
That you can become anything you want, if only you work hard at it? That this is the country flowing with milk and honey and that there are several opportunities in this country - And all you need to do is go out there
and make the most of it?
We are a free nation, a peaceful nation but what is it that this nation believe in. You are probably a citizen of this nation, has this nation impressed any belief on your life.
Do you believe in becoming a better person or making the nation a better one. As my old man rightly said in life there are two things; its either you care about you or the society. Its either you are working to make the
nation a better place to your detriment or working to make yourself a better person to the nation's detriment. (The secret is if this nation is a better place, then you must definitely be a better person averagely, but its not the same thing vice versa)
What do you believe in. This nation has really impressed a lot on all the children have been born here.
I love pictures and I try to learn everyday from movies on the screen, and life too. And as I am writing this right now, I am playing the movie of my family from when I had a conscious memory. My family has impressed a
lot on me. Watching my mum and my pops right now in my head. I realize how a man should treat a woman. Women can be crazy sometimes, especially when they begin to mistrust you. This movie is telling me right now, the
best thing to do when there is drama is to walk out. If you dont walk , there will be voilence. Talk when you are calm. The woman wants to possesss her man, the man wants to rule her woman. The movie is telling me all this.
All my life experiences are movies playing in my head, and I choose to learn what I want to . These lessons become beliefs. And these beliefs will determine my choices and my actions.
What should be the beliefs of the Ghanaian child?, of you? . Every growing child is learning, mostly through what he or she hears and sees. What is the nation telling my kid brother Joseph. Well my actions have told him a
lot. I am not even conscious of what beliefs he's formed. But I pray they are good.
There is a whole lot of good that needs to be done. We need to realize there is a future ahead of us, and the children around us are learning. Well at my age most of my beliefs have been formed, and being an open
minded person - I might try to change some beliefs every now and then. But there are some beliefs that are permanent. They make me me.
What is the belief of this country. That we are not a reading country. Everyday, everywhere , every person is saying, 'you know Ghanaians dont read'.
Ghanaians dont read! And we choose to accept that belief, that we are not a reading nation.
What is your belief, the belief this country has impressed upon you. One that is bad enough for your child not to learn. For starters, I believe nothing can be more worse than Ghanaians dont read.
What positive belief has this country impressed upon you? Yes, that couldnt have skipped me or you. Ghanaians are hospitable and we are, indeed. Its a mere belief but a powerful one, and every Ghanaian has clung to it, and is proud of welcoming and helping strangers every now and then.
Beliefs are powerful, what beliefs would we want to impress on the people of this nation. It means a lot.
What should the new Ghanaian believe in, yes the new Ghanaian.
That reading is powerful.
That community is a very important part of the nation and thats we can start making a difference.
That we dont need to do community service to get scores at school but for the sake that the proud Ghanaian should make a contribution to building this nation.
Beliefs, beliefs, they are very powerful. And easily passed on, like DNA. What should be the beliefs of the new Ghanaian.
That honesty pays, and that whatever a man sows, so shall he reap. That there is no running away from the mistakes we make. That every effort we put in making something is very important because we shall reap all that
we've invested. Its simple you can't dig a hole in one part of a field and plant corn - and expect maize to sprout all over the field.
What should be the beliefs of the new Ghanaian.
The new Ghanaian most probably should have a lot a beliefs. To make him hardworking, a creative genius, have love in heart, and many other things. But above all the new Ghanaian must be willing to give, to give to this
nation and expect nothing in return.
This should be the core belief of the new Ghanaian. That he must give to his nation,to his country to make it a better place, a haven where his children will come to love and cherish and also give to - To make it even more better.

Thursday, September 1, 2011



To educate is to give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to an individual or to train or give information about a particular subject.

Education, according history seems to have a different meaning from what we have now. From the Greek word educare, education meant “leading out”. In essence education was a means of driving an innate capability into activity from its long hibernation. The knowledge is therefore accepted as a latent skill that needs to be awakened for its use. Education therefore served as means of arising from unawareness to the awareness of ones innate capabilities known as talents in order to serve a purpose in social development.

As education was mainly evolving from the Greek society, there was a reason for its practice. According to history the Spartans educated their young men by leading out the fighting skill that was innate to its physical manifestation. Their purpose was to keep their town safe and strong from enemies… no need for walls but the strong young men who could rip out the hearts of three men at a time. So the Spartans had a social reason for educating their young men; they needed security. The purpose of education is therefore realized by finding the true sole aim of a society. Whether being security, economical improvement, cultural heritage and so forth… there is a purpose for every student and every teacher. A teacher and his student were always connected by this purpose, this aim, this idea.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



In preparation for the outreach; to educate the youth on the importance of self-education.
We sent out a few notes to the Junior Secondary School graduates, and held a short discourse on education and its purpose.
We tried discussing a couple of ideas that we believed were vital to the whole education subject.

What is the  meaning of education:

The original meaning of education , comes from the latin word ēducāre, which means to "bring out".
The closest word to that is educe; which means to bring out or lead out something latent or potential.

If this is the original meaning of education, then we've missed it. Because the educational system here, is doing something that is totally the opposite of what education is supposed to be.

We drew an example from the Spartans and how Lycargus
brought out the warrior-ship in the spartan young men.

The young men I believed were inspired. We asked them to take the fate of their education into their hands .We gave them a reason to pick up a book related to their passion.
Since all three were interested in becoming scientists, we offered them a couple of books on Richard Feyman's talks and life, to inspire them.

Pick up a passion, pick up a book

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reading, making a change in your community

For the past days, I have seen so many kids in my community.
Its not that I don't see kids in my community , but I have seen so many kids who daily remind of the need to reach out and make a difference.
I see all these kids who have no idea what to do with their lives, we are all inspired at certain point in our lives.
In our search for answers in this world , we are tempted everyday to settle for mediocrity , to go with the crowd.
Get fast money, and ride in cars. Throwing away all the potential one might have inside because he didn't just have the right answers.

This is one of the powers of reading. Reading has the power to inspire many of these growing kids to become creative potentials in this country.
There are countless stories of people who picked up a book and their lives changed forever.
The story of the Kenyan boy who at the age of 11 was able to harness the wind, because he stepped into a library and picked up a book, is a story that reminds us everyday why  these children should have an opportunity to have access to books.

My team and I have this mission on our heart, we know the power of books and we will go to all lengths to make a difference.
Eselfone bringing libraries to communities  and the essence of self-education to the people.

You can support the cause, make a difference.

Friday, July 1, 2011

the seminar

Working on the seminar
A whole lot of things involved
We dont have to be selective
Trying to get to lots of hearts to follow our lead
Yet we need hearts that in the most willing to....

Its easier when they are willing
But then on the other hand ur task will be of no sense if there's no love
And love is not selective
It does all things with enthusiasm and purpose..

We will follow through suit........
We are taking baby steps as usual.... but the goal is to paint this picture clear cut...
And we pray we achieve that

Makes sense right?

I am sitting here right now
And I am thinking hard
Its hard to find words to express what is on my mind
All the thoughts coming to mind
The scenes of the past three days
The emotions cluttered in  my hearts depth
Its hard to find words
But I want so bad to say something
And say it with meaning
Words are crucial, yet let me let it out anyway without care

Children walking all around, doing all sorts of menial jobs
Do they choose this?
I see some mothers too with their babies at their back,working hard
And not long ago,  I was walking past some men digging a pit and one said;" charley life had O"..
I saw a drunk the other day, he had children, he had a wife and he looked really miserable on sight... immediately my thought drifted to  his children..

I look around my community and I try to see what the future holds for the youth, especially young guys of my age.
They are all so ambitious , and admire that so much. But all this energy is being directed wrongly, into all sorts of quick money schemes.

A lot of questions coming  through, but the one that seems most persistent is ; "why"
WHy?, what could be wrong,  all these people are living without hope for a better tomorrow....

I have mates who are out school who dont know what to do with themselves... they dont know what to become.. not that they are not ambitious enough, they  just dont where to direct all that energy.

I asked a couple of guys in SHS what they wanted to become 7 years from now and why. They just didnt know, and those who knew what they wanted to become just didnt know why they wanted to become that.

Its sad and I have been asking myself what is not being done, we are looking forward to educating the youth in this country to come develop this country into what.

I here rantings everyday about this issue and that issue.. about development, but what do we truly want this country to become and who and who are working towards this.

We live in a country where citizens feel they dont owe the nation nothing and the country owes them eveything, ridiculous!.
Looks like we are expecting the country to build us instead of we building the country.
We are expecting the country's natural resources to do all the magic.

Where do we want this country to go... we are building a structure and we dont even have a blue print of what we want. We copy blindy; yeah that guys building looks real cute the way they are building it, lets do something like that.

Hey, we need a dream.......
Every individual needs to know the dream and know his part in making it come to a reality
Too much talk makes no sense, I was taught it reduces productivity
Lets be real....
Lets know exactly where we want to be

Lets have a dream that will teach the people how to dream....
Yes,  a dream that unifies all and makes sense to all..

Checkout a society like Sparta they knew where they were going , well its democracy, cant force people to do stuffs, but for the sake of the growth of this country, lets employ the spartans style of dreaming.

Lets know what we want this country to become and lets train the kind of mind tools we need to achieve this.
Yet, until we know where want to go and what to become we wont know which tool to employ....
Dream, dream,dream..... makes sense right.

Individually, you  will unique force of your own, if only we will pick up a passion and pick a book. It will help you discover you and help others discover themselves too....
It will help you create the kind of educated picture we need to see and with you seeing that and helping others , we are on our way.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Its been a beautiful day today, well its always beautiful, but I sometimes barely notice.
But its always beautiful experience to be and realize how beautiful the passing moment even is, it feels eternal.
I am really happy living in this experience, every becoming more and pushing towards perfection.
I am grateful.

Well this is the place where I get to talk about onething that I am really passionate about, reading; self-education.
There has been so much activity and neither Salifu nor I has had time to  update this blog.
Well will just be great to go straight ahead and talk about some of the things that has kept off the computer screen and these wonderful
Yeah, having a little laugh.

The past weeks has been wonderful, met lots of great personalities and done real great things that makes me proud, and it somehow keeps affirming life is  beautiful.
We had the opportunity to share very interesting stuffs with the children at the Adaeso Presec School ,working with the World Reader.
Previous weeks we've shared subjects on DREAMS, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, REFLECTION and ATTITUDE.
Its great what we in ourselves learned while interacting with these children.
I remember on the week when we talked about dreams, we told these young ones about the essence of dreams and the power in dreaming.
We got to the stage when I was asking what people would want to become and I asked this boy called Stanley, what do you dream of becoming and he says a missionary doctor, then the second question which follows which most of the kids were amiss with was the why question...why do you want to become a missionary doctor. His  answer is I want to become a missionary doctor because I see people are sick, in so many places and wish to travel and go help answer blows me away.
I wasnt really expecting it.
Last week Saturday was about ATTITUDE, after we had done the long talk about the essence of developing a positive way of responding to events around us, we brought a scenario to board.
The scenario was about two guys who wanted to be the greatest acoustic guitarists in the world and somehow on a journey to a class they ended up in an accident that got them both blind.
We asked the class what was the positive way of respond to this event and a lot of good answers are coming in, but I remember Stanley again because of  the previous answer he had given..
I asked him what do you think will be the most positive  way to respond to this situation and he says well, inability is not disability so I will strive on with  pursuing my dream, and the answer takes me by surprise again; what really hits me is " inability is not disability"
And there more wonderful stories I cant say here but I am just using Stanley's example... slowly but surely all these books these kids are reading and all the inspirational talk and other activities coming along with it is having a hold on the way these kids think and its just wonderful.
If slowly we are changing the way these kids think about their world then slowly we are changing their world.