Monday, February 6, 2012


What is our belief, we are people and we ought to have a belief. We need to believe in something.
In my family we believed in many things, we believed in hard work and my father set the example when he will return from work around 9pm and after eating and taking his bath. He still had time to go over the work that
he'd brought home.
My family believed in commitment, and my mother showed it, when after she had finished preparing dinner, will wait late, sometimes to about 10pm. She wanted to eat with her husband.
Everything that went on in my family everyday thought me something about life, my father waking up early and preparing for work. My mother making sure the family had what to eat, no matter the money my Dad put on the
All these little things thought me things, I dont even know. The actions that my parents portrayed thought me more than the things they told me was right or wrong.
I learned right from wrong, by looking at the actions of my parents and the people who were around me.
What is our belief as a people. What does this nation believe in, does this nation teach its members anything. Can the nation teach its memebers anything at all? Are we a nation, or a group, identified by the family we come
from, identified by our social status . A group of people identified by our training, by the school we went to, the career we have or the position we hold in society.
Who are we as a people? What is our belief. What is the common belief we have in this country.
That you can become anything you want, if only you work hard at it? That this is the country flowing with milk and honey and that there are several opportunities in this country - And all you need to do is go out there
and make the most of it?
We are a free nation, a peaceful nation but what is it that this nation believe in. You are probably a citizen of this nation, has this nation impressed any belief on your life.
Do you believe in becoming a better person or making the nation a better one. As my old man rightly said in life there are two things; its either you care about you or the society. Its either you are working to make the
nation a better place to your detriment or working to make yourself a better person to the nation's detriment. (The secret is if this nation is a better place, then you must definitely be a better person averagely, but its not the same thing vice versa)
What do you believe in. This nation has really impressed a lot on all the children have been born here.
I love pictures and I try to learn everyday from movies on the screen, and life too. And as I am writing this right now, I am playing the movie of my family from when I had a conscious memory. My family has impressed a
lot on me. Watching my mum and my pops right now in my head. I realize how a man should treat a woman. Women can be crazy sometimes, especially when they begin to mistrust you. This movie is telling me right now, the
best thing to do when there is drama is to walk out. If you dont walk , there will be voilence. Talk when you are calm. The woman wants to possesss her man, the man wants to rule her woman. The movie is telling me all this.
All my life experiences are movies playing in my head, and I choose to learn what I want to . These lessons become beliefs. And these beliefs will determine my choices and my actions.
What should be the beliefs of the Ghanaian child?, of you? . Every growing child is learning, mostly through what he or she hears and sees. What is the nation telling my kid brother Joseph. Well my actions have told him a
lot. I am not even conscious of what beliefs he's formed. But I pray they are good.
There is a whole lot of good that needs to be done. We need to realize there is a future ahead of us, and the children around us are learning. Well at my age most of my beliefs have been formed, and being an open
minded person - I might try to change some beliefs every now and then. But there are some beliefs that are permanent. They make me me.
What is the belief of this country. That we are not a reading country. Everyday, everywhere , every person is saying, 'you know Ghanaians dont read'.
Ghanaians dont read! And we choose to accept that belief, that we are not a reading nation.
What is your belief, the belief this country has impressed upon you. One that is bad enough for your child not to learn. For starters, I believe nothing can be more worse than Ghanaians dont read.
What positive belief has this country impressed upon you? Yes, that couldnt have skipped me or you. Ghanaians are hospitable and we are, indeed. Its a mere belief but a powerful one, and every Ghanaian has clung to it, and is proud of welcoming and helping strangers every now and then.
Beliefs are powerful, what beliefs would we want to impress on the people of this nation. It means a lot.
What should the new Ghanaian believe in, yes the new Ghanaian.
That reading is powerful.
That community is a very important part of the nation and thats we can start making a difference.
That we dont need to do community service to get scores at school but for the sake that the proud Ghanaian should make a contribution to building this nation.
Beliefs, beliefs, they are very powerful. And easily passed on, like DNA. What should be the beliefs of the new Ghanaian.
That honesty pays, and that whatever a man sows, so shall he reap. That there is no running away from the mistakes we make. That every effort we put in making something is very important because we shall reap all that
we've invested. Its simple you can't dig a hole in one part of a field and plant corn - and expect maize to sprout all over the field.
What should be the beliefs of the new Ghanaian.
The new Ghanaian most probably should have a lot a beliefs. To make him hardworking, a creative genius, have love in heart, and many other things. But above all the new Ghanaian must be willing to give, to give to this
nation and expect nothing in return.
This should be the core belief of the new Ghanaian. That he must give to his nation,to his country to make it a better place, a haven where his children will come to love and cherish and also give to - To make it even more better.


  1. its quite inspirational and we yearn to see more of it

  2. Nice to see your comment, wish you were not anonymous . I am glad you liked it
