In preparation for the outreach; to educate the youth on the importance of self-education.
We sent out a few notes to the Junior Secondary School graduates, and held a short discourse on education and its purpose.
We tried discussing a couple of ideas that we believed were vital to the whole education subject.
What is the meaning of education:
The original meaning of education , comes from the latin word ēducāre, which means to "bring out".
The closest word to that is educe; which means to bring out or lead out something latent or potential.
If this is the original meaning of education, then we've missed it. Because the educational system here, is doing something that is totally the opposite of what education is supposed to be.
We drew an example from the Spartans and how Lycargus
brought out the warrior-ship in the spartan young men.
The young men I believed were inspired. We asked them to take the fate of their education into their hands .We gave them a reason to pick up a book related to their passion.
Since all three were interested in becoming scientists, we offered them a couple of books on Richard Feyman's talks and life, to inspire them.
Pick up a passion, pick up a book